Today, although STEM education is like the stepping stone for development and education policies of countries, gender inequality in education still persists. This study describes the factors that cause STEM gender inequality and the teaching strategies to reduce or eliminate the effects of these factors. Document analysis was used as the research method. By using this method, the contents and messages of the existing studies on gender inequality in STEM education were summarized and classified, they were brought together around certain concepts, and then translated into meaningful explanations. In the research, various databases such as EBSCOHost, ERIC, Web of Science were searched by using the keywords defined in Turkish and English languages to define gender inequality in STEM education in Turkey and in the world, in order to reach all studies on gender equality from STEM education at national and international level. According to the results, girls do not continue STEM education and do not plan their future career with it basically due to gender stereotypes, lack of self-confidence, occupational stereotypes, lack of peer and family support, and lack of successful female role models. As for the teaching strategies to reduce or eliminate the effects of these factors, they were listed as student-centered, inquiry-based and participatory strategies, and specific teaching strategies that develop girls' self-confidence and take into account their special interests and learning styles. The results obtained from this study are believed to contribute considerably to combating gender inequality in STEM education. However, it must be remembered that more extensive research is needed to eliminate gender inequality.
STEM education, Gender Inequality, Teaching Strategies