

Considering the function of language as a reflection of a society's culture, one may argue that culture directly influences the cognitive structures, language, and conduct of individuals. All discourses of people who must communicate throughout their lives have distinct codes. These codes contain several signs of a person's life experiences and culture in which they were born and raised. In this context, cultural code analysis will be utilized to identify both linguistic indications and competences. When it comes to foreign students who come to Turkey from other countries to study higher education and continue their departments after learning Turkish, it is equally crucial how individuals develop a connection between their source culture and cultural characteristics of the target language. In this qualitative case study, the language codes of international students pursuing a PhD in Turkey were examined within the context of a cultural framework based on the SPEAKING acronym created by Dell Hymes. Five students from Mexico, Kosovo, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and Somalia; from North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, make up the research's study group. These students are pursuing doctoral degrees in Turkey, where they speak Turkish at an academic level. The results demonstrated that the "culture" factor is mirrored in the selves of societies from various countries. An expansion on the results demonstrates that cultural elements shape social life, the cultural definitions and cultural behaviors of the participants in their own countries are influenced by numerous cultures, the concept of culture is shaped by political events affecting the socioeconomic structures of the countries, culture is influential in the emergence of technological advancements, and culture is a factor influencing the processes of country rapprochement. The data of the participants according to the classification of behaviors, actions, utterances and discourses indicated that the participants made mistakes while speaking Turkish. The codes, attitudes, and mood classifications in the coded message in the research process presented that the researchers were generally sincere and cordial, but occasionally acted hastily during the speech.


Cultural studies, language and culture, ethnographic communicative codes, SPEAKING acronym, Dell Hymes.
