

In football fields, where the broad audience demands performances that turn into a feast, competition necessitates outstanding success, the struggle for success, and the use of many psychological skills for victory. Current sports psychology literature focuses on increasing the psychological performance quality exhibited in sports. Innovative searches attract attention in numerous studies focused on developing educational content that supports psychological skills. This study aims to reveal the decisive role of athletic mental energy and mindfulness contents in a flow experience characterized by balance and absorption in the task. The other aims of the study are to analyze the correlational relationships between the research variables and test the differences of the descriptive variables in the contexts of athletic mental energy, mindfulness, and flow experience. A total of 402, 361 men and 41 women, professional football players, participated in the study, designed in the relational screening model. The Athletic Mental Energy Scale, Mindfulness Inventory for Sport, Flow State Questionnaire, and Personal Information Form were applied to the participants. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-tests for independent groups, Pearson correlation analyses, and hierarchical regression analyses. The results showed that athletic mental energy, tireless, and concentration scores were significantly higher in favor of football players aged 18-20, vigor and tireless scores were significantly higher in favor of 1-9 experience years, and composed in favor of those with ten years or more experience. Athletic mental energy shows a significant positive relationship with vigor, confidence, motivation, and tireless. According to the findings, athletes' mindfulness and concentration were positively and significantly correlated with awareness, non-judgmental attitude, refocusing, flow, balance, and absorption in the task. Besides, composed shows a positive relationship with the athletes' mindfulness, awareness, refocusing, flow, balance and absorption in the task. Results showed that athletes' mindfulness, awareness, and refocusing are significantly related to flow, balance, and absorption in the task, and a non-judgmental attitude is only positively related to balance. According to the hierarchical regression analyses, vigor, confidence, motivation, composed, awareness, and refocusing are positive determinants of balance, while motivation, non-judgmental attitude, and refocusing are positive determinants of absorption in the task. As a result, the flow determinants in the axis of balance and task concentration are vigor, confidence, motivation, calmness, awareness, non-judgment, and refocus.


Mental energy, awareness, flow, optimal performance mood, football
