This research, which aims to determine the attitudes and opinions of prospective teachers towards the use of technology in education, was conducted with the scope of exploratory sequential research design from mixed research models. The sample of the research consists of 216 prospective teachers, 143 females and 73 males, who take ‘Use of Technology in Education’ in the pedagogical formation certificate program within a state university in the academic year of 2018-2019. From this sample, 16 prospective teachers volunteered for the qualitative study group of the research. The data were collected from the participants by ‘Personal Information Form,’ ‘Semi-Structured Interview Form,’ and ‘Attitude towards the Use of Technology’ scale, which consists of 19 items. In the analysis of the research data, SPSS 25.0 package program and MaxQDA qualitative analysis program were used, and the data of the research were analyzed by using necessary statistical techniques. In the quantitative research, the attitudes of prospective teachers towards the use of technology in education were examined by the variables of their gender, age, education status, the department, and faculty. As a result of the research, it was determined that the attitude scores of prospective teachers towards the usage of education in technology were on the level of ‘I Agree’ and except for the variable of gender. There are significant differences in the attitude scores of prospective teachers according to their age, education status, the department, and faculty. When these differences are examined, it was determined that the differences were in favor of the 36-40 age group and graduates who have a bachelor of education. According to the qualitative results of the research; prospective teachers stated that technology should be used in education and that the benefits of using technology in education processes are more. They stated that prospective teachers would contribute to learning when technology is used responsibly, but negative consequences such as laziness, inefficiency of time, and dependence may occur when not paid attention. Finally; It is concluded that the connection between education and technology will continue to increase in the coming years and that the distance and virtual learning environments will be used more.
Prospective teachers, use of technology in education, attitude, opinion.