This study aims to examine the views elementary school children hold about the Syrians, and to determine the level of acquisition of values in socialstudies curriculum (respect, beingjust, hospitality, tolerance, sensitivity, andhelpfulness), in thecontext of Syrians.Thisstudy has utilized a qualitativeapproach, and focus group interview was used as the data gathering tool. Considering the research model and the subject of there search, critical case sampling was used among the purposive sampling techniquess. In this study, Bahçelievler Neighborhood was identified as a high-density Syrian area according to the data from Adıyaman Provincial Population Directorate. Hence the study group who is more likely to be in interaction with the Syrians was identified. According to qualitative findings of this study, in the context of Syrians, it is concluded that the students have high levels of acquisition of values (of respect, beingjust, sensitivity, hospitality, tolerance, helpfulness). According to qualitative findings of this study, in the context of Syrians, it is concluded that the students expresspositive views of Syrians withr espect to values (of respect, beingjust, sensitivity, hospitality, tolerance, helpfulness). As a result, it is concluded that students have gained the values in question, in context of Syrians, and that quantative findings support the qualitative findings of this study. Based on the data gathered, it could be recommended that; further research be conducted in areas with a high level of density of Syrians, studies with larger samples be conducted in order to reveal the attitudes towards the Syrians; further studies be done targeting the social studies curriculum’s a im that are communication, decision making, empathy, critical thinking skills; research on factor saffecting students’ perceptions of Syrians (e.g.,family, social environment, media, daily experiences) be done.
Social education, migration, Syrian immigration, value, value education