In this study, it was aimed to examine the level of use of Digital Educational Games by Sports High School Students. The research group consists of a total of 210 volunteer students, 102 female (48.6%) and 108 male (51.4%) studying at Şehit Zafer KILIÇ Sports High School in Siirt province. A descriptive scanning model was used in the research and "Personal Information Form" and "Digital Educational Games Usage Scale" were used as data collection tools. Data analysis was carried out using the SPSS 22 statistical package. The Digital Educational Games Usage Scale, used as a data collection tool, consists of 21 items of 5-point Likert type. Using Digital Educational Games Scale consists of four sub-dimensions: Affective Component, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Control and Behavioral Component. For data analysis, firstly, skewness and kurtosis values were examined and it was determined that the data was normally distributed. For this reason, parametric tests were preferred. Descriptive statistics such as frequency (f), percentage (%), mean (X̄) and standard deviation (Ss) were used to determine the demographic characteristics of the research group. The Cronbach Alpha (internal consistency) value of the Digital Educational Games Usage Scale was calculated as 0.92; In this study, the Cronbach Alpha (internal consistency) value calculated as 0.74 was found to be moderately reliable. According to the results of the research, while there was no significant relationship between the students using digital educational games among the students at the Sports High School and the variables of gender, regular sports activity and sports year; A significant relationship was detected between grade level, perceived economic status, digital game playing status and daily digital game playing time variable. These findings can be concluded that digital educational games are not yet preferred by sports branches and athletes for educational purposes.
Sports, Sports high school students, Educational games, Digital Educational Games.